Cutting costs on the plumbing front

In this issue I want to tell you about a couple of new products in the plumbing and heating world, and a cunning plan to get the most out of a government incentive. But first I want to say a big thanks for the support of so many of you in the village. I never knew word of mouth could be so powerful.

The first new product fixes two problems with ordinary water softeners. As you probably know, we are in a hard water area. Until now, water softeners have needed topping up with salt – one customer estimated he spent £30 a month on salt – and the softened water wasn’t drinkable so you’d need a separate feed from the mains to go to the kitchen tap. Now there’s a new water softener that doesn’t need topping up with salt and most importantly produces water that is drinkable. The manufacturer even claims it’s good for you. So if you’ve ever thought of having a water softener, I’d say this is the time.

The second product I want to talk about is for boiler condensing pipes. I’m sure many of you had problems last winter with your condensing pipes freezing up and subsequently your boiler stops working right when you need it most. Well fear no more, there is now a new product called a ‘trace heater’. It is a small wire that fits to the condensing pipe with a thermostatic sensor. When the temperature drops down cold enough the wire heats up just enough to stop the water in the pipe freezing and keep your boiler going even in the snow.

Now for a story from the front, a customer has had PV solar panels fitted free from the government. His agreement with the provider is that in return for the power generated he gets free electricity during the daytime. Unfortunately, being out at work all day, he hasn’t really been benefitting as much as he would like. Our cunning plan however has been to fit a timer to his immersion heater to heat his hot water tank during the day for free! He’s been very happy in the reduction in his bills.

I hope this has been helpful. If I can help you at all, please call me on 07905 908143. 

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